Hunting and Trapping in Brazos County
Saturday morning I went to the pig hole before dawn and waited hidden in a brushline near the main gate for the pigs show and and root in the pasture some more. There was no sign and when Alan and Chris showed up just as the sun rose we decided to go inspect our newest hunting spot.
Chris had spoken with a representative from the oil company and gained clearance to hunt the pigs that were tearing up the area.
We sat on top of a large catwalk and scanned the pasture for pigs but none showed up. We went back to the old pig hole and checked the snares and trap. We found a coyote in one snare which was dispatched by Chris with his pistol but nothing of any more importance. On the way to the new property we saw 5 deer but could not kill them. We then walked around the new property and determined that there were a ton of pigs there since it had rained that morning and there were fresh tracks everywhere.
I went to hunt in Gause that evening and it poured rain. The creeks were redicuously high and the hunting was non-existant but it had still been fun. That evening Chris alan and I made plans to meet at the oil company property at 6:30 and hunt. At 6:29 I was still on the highway when my phone rang and chris said he was going to be late since he was just leaving home. I pulled into the pig hole annex and parked near alan's truck and walked in. I was nearly to him when he began to wave frantically, I dropped my coat and ran up. A pig was on the far side of the pond all alone. We decided to sneak up to the pond dam and shoot from behind some trees with yellow leaves (poplar?) As we snuck alan asked if we should wait for chris to show up. I said we shouldn't since there was only 1 pig. We assumed prone positions, I put the crosshairs on the pig took up the slack in the trigger and told alan to shoot when he was ready. the noise from his shot made me pull the trigger just as I had planned and the pig fell down squeeling.
Just then Chris came around the bend in the road and waved to alan and I both very happy with how the morning was working out.
We walked over and alan finished the oinker off with one to the head.
That afternoon we took the pig to snook
After cleaning the pig that afternoon we had the opportunity to eat some delicious barbequed ribs.
Chris had spoken with a representative from the oil company and gained clearance to hunt the pigs that were tearing up the area.
We sat on top of a large catwalk and scanned the pasture for pigs but none showed up. We went back to the old pig hole and checked the snares and trap. We found a coyote in one snare which was dispatched by Chris with his pistol but nothing of any more importance. On the way to the new property we saw 5 deer but could not kill them. We then walked around the new property and determined that there were a ton of pigs there since it had rained that morning and there were fresh tracks everywhere.
I went to hunt in Gause that evening and it poured rain. The creeks were redicuously high and the hunting was non-existant but it had still been fun. That evening Chris alan and I made plans to meet at the oil company property at 6:30 and hunt. At 6:29 I was still on the highway when my phone rang and chris said he was going to be late since he was just leaving home. I pulled into the pig hole annex and parked near alan's truck and walked in. I was nearly to him when he began to wave frantically, I dropped my coat and ran up. A pig was on the far side of the pond all alone. We decided to sneak up to the pond dam and shoot from behind some trees with yellow leaves (poplar?) As we snuck alan asked if we should wait for chris to show up. I said we shouldn't since there was only 1 pig. We assumed prone positions, I put the crosshairs on the pig took up the slack in the trigger and told alan to shoot when he was ready. the noise from his shot made me pull the trigger just as I had planned and the pig fell down squeeling.
Just then Chris came around the bend in the road and waved to alan and I both very happy with how the morning was working out.
We walked over and alan finished the oinker off with one to the head.
That afternoon we took the pig to snook

After cleaning the pig that afternoon we had the opportunity to eat some delicious barbequed ribs.
Brain S. , Chris, Alan and I went to the pig hole this morning, it was very windy and kind of cold. We didn't see hide nor hair of anything other than cattle but there were alot of tracks right near where we were sitting. They must be coming through in the middle of the night.
I like the multiple shooters idea but I have to ask...
With two shooters were there two bullet holes?
If Chris was there would you have had three shooters for one pig?
There was only 1 bullet hole. I had encouraged alan to shoot first because I was lacking confidence in my rifle/scope. I think I must have bumped the scope somehow (perhaps hauling it around in the truck for most of a month). My gun had missed twice in a row, shooting high. I was fairly certain these errors were not my fault.
Later We took an opportunity to shoot at an old empty box, I was shooting 1.75 inches high at 50 yrds. I gave my scope three clicks down and everything seems right with the world now. (See new post)
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