Blastin' and Castin' in the Texas Outdoors
We havea lot of good times, the road was a drug when we started way back, our wheels rolled on steady, now its forgetting the race to find an open space and leaving that city far behind We’ll be up in the morning before the sun, since anything beats working on the job and everyone knows the early worm gets the fish. The world is your oyster, let the high times carry the low, walk where the sun is shining, lay your burdens down and think to yourself that it sure feels good feeling good again.
I would like to hear the story of how he snuck up on two coyotes and blasted them with a revolver.
Ping, The chinese technician I work with saw the above picture and remarked
"You hunt?" to which I replied "yes" leading her to continue with
"they look delicious!"
I am giving Chris an opportunity to fill in the story himself but the bare essentials are that one was caught in a leg trap he had set for just such a purpose and when he went to check the traps glimpsed another and he shot his .357 from the hip. You can see in the photo on the coyote closest to him in that it was hit just behind the ear.
Steve, thanks for sharing your multicultural experience. I thought they were just scrawny coyotes but now I appreciate that they are delicious to others.
Vickie owns show goats so she is somewhat concerned about the presence of predators in the woods she own behind her goat pens.
Vickie also has a live trap set up in the barn that often catches racoons or opposums. To help keep the coyotes out of the goats I had set up a series of leg traps around a small pond in the woods which I had been checking twice a day since baiting with the corpses of racoons and opposums.
One afternoon I swung by Vickies to check the traps while she was out feeding the goats. I didn't have my .22 as I normally do but I was in possession of the .357 I found there was a possum in the live trap at the barn. I let it out of the trap and blasted it. The report from the .357 apparently surprised a nearby racoon because it fell clean out of the tree it was in. So I took my time and shot it.
Loaded with lots of bait that very few things other than coyotes would find appealing I headed out to the tank. The first leg trap I came to had a coyote in it and as I neared it I happened to look across the tank and noticed another coyote drinking at the waters edge on the far side we saw each other at precisely the same moment.
I pulled my smith and wesson out and leveled it at the coyote, I fired from the hip just like a cowboy in some old western movie. The bullet went into the coyote behind the ear and exited under the opposite eye. The coyote tumbled into the bushes and I turned around and dispatched the trapped coyote.
Then Vickie took this picture me and my pups.
Vickie later said that she was surprised because it wasn't the usual pap-pap but rather KA-BANG!!! KA-BANG!!! a long pause and then again KA-BANG!!!KA-BANG!!!
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