Blastin' and Castin' in the Texas Outdoors
We havea lot of good times, the road was a drug when we started way back, our wheels rolled on steady, now its forgetting the race to find an open space and leaving that city far behind We’ll be up in the morning before the sun, since anything beats working on the job and everyone knows the early worm gets the fish. The world is your oyster, let the high times carry the low, walk where the sun is shining, lay your burdens down and think to yourself that it sure feels good feeling good again.
Monday, November 29, 2004
Thanksgiving Whitetail Hunting
Happy Thanksgiving!
As some of you know I had the opportunity to deer hunt on the peach/pecan orchard owned by Lindsey's grandfather in Louisiana. Thanksgiving morning I was busy driving the 7 hours to the bayou state but I saw dozens of deer in the pastures as we drove. After dispensing with the turkey, dressing, cranberries etc. I went out at pre-dawn after getting the low down on where the deer should be. The spot I had available to hunt was small, about 20 acres but I could not see all of it at once since there were no elevated observation posts and it was placed on quite a grade. It was extremely windy just as it had been in Texas before the holiday and that together with the full moon made hunting very difficult. I guess waterfowl hunting is open since I heard lots of shotgun blasts from the neighbor. Anyway, I didn't see anything bigger than a squirrel so I went home quite discouraged.
This year Brazos county opened deer season up to does as well for four days around the holiday (25-28) So Sunday morning I went to the pig hole to see if that pack of does was anywhere to be found. Abour 8:25 my hopes were answered when I came around thespotted a couple deer near the edge of the overgrown fenceline at the top of the pighole where there is the tree over the fence and we have a snare set. I was just saying to myself that the doe was about to die as I set up for a nice supported shot when all three deer took off into the pasture and then made a big loop back toward the fence and went over right where they had the last time I saw them out in this area. I was depressed and suddenly I saw another deer come down the pasture toward the does, a young buck. I quickly moved the crosshairs over to him, he was turning away from me headed toward the spot where they jumped the fence.
I lightly yelled "bleah" attempting to sound like a doe bleat. the young bucks head spun around and he took two steps back toward me before the .270 roared. He bucked and then wobbled around for a moment before falling.
Forensic analysis showed that I hit the very bottom of the lung in front of heart, my bullet actually hit the sternum it was so low. I woudn't expect a single lung shot to drop him that fast so I imagine that shock of a bullet hitting its sternum after flying for only 75 yards must have been enough to stop the heart.
As some of you know I had the opportunity to deer hunt on the peach/pecan orchard owned by Lindsey's grandfather in Louisiana. Thanksgiving morning I was busy driving the 7 hours to the bayou state but I saw dozens of deer in the pastures as we drove. After dispensing with the turkey, dressing, cranberries etc. I went out at pre-dawn after getting the low down on where the deer should be. The spot I had available to hunt was small, about 20 acres but I could not see all of it at once since there were no elevated observation posts and it was placed on quite a grade. It was extremely windy just as it had been in Texas before the holiday and that together with the full moon made hunting very difficult. I guess waterfowl hunting is open since I heard lots of shotgun blasts from the neighbor. Anyway, I didn't see anything bigger than a squirrel so I went home quite discouraged.
This year Brazos county opened deer season up to does as well for four days around the holiday (25-28) So Sunday morning I went to the pig hole to see if that pack of does was anywhere to be found. Abour 8:25 my hopes were answered when I came around thespotted a couple deer near the edge of the overgrown fenceline at the top of the pighole where there is the tree over the fence and we have a snare set. I was just saying to myself that the doe was about to die as I set up for a nice supported shot when all three deer took off into the pasture and then made a big loop back toward the fence and went over right where they had the last time I saw them out in this area. I was depressed and suddenly I saw another deer come down the pasture toward the does, a young buck. I quickly moved the crosshairs over to him, he was turning away from me headed toward the spot where they jumped the fence.
I lightly yelled "bleah" attempting to sound like a doe bleat. the young bucks head spun around and he took two steps back toward me before the .270 roared. He bucked and then wobbled around for a moment before falling.
Forensic analysis showed that I hit the very bottom of the lung in front of heart, my bullet actually hit the sternum it was so low. I woudn't expect a single lung shot to drop him that fast so I imagine that shock of a bullet hitting its sternum after flying for only 75 yards must have been enough to stop the heart.
Monday, November 22, 2004
Hunting and Trapping in Brazos County
Saturday morning I went to the pig hole before dawn and waited hidden in a brushline near the main gate for the pigs show and and root in the pasture some more. There was no sign and when Alan and Chris showed up just as the sun rose we decided to go inspect our newest hunting spot.
Chris had spoken with a representative from the oil company and gained clearance to hunt the pigs that were tearing up the area.
We sat on top of a large catwalk and scanned the pasture for pigs but none showed up. We went back to the old pig hole and checked the snares and trap. We found a coyote in one snare which was dispatched by Chris with his pistol but nothing of any more importance. On the way to the new property we saw 5 deer but could not kill them. We then walked around the new property and determined that there were a ton of pigs there since it had rained that morning and there were fresh tracks everywhere.
I went to hunt in Gause that evening and it poured rain. The creeks were redicuously high and the hunting was non-existant but it had still been fun. That evening Chris alan and I made plans to meet at the oil company property at 6:30 and hunt. At 6:29 I was still on the highway when my phone rang and chris said he was going to be late since he was just leaving home. I pulled into the pig hole annex and parked near alan's truck and walked in. I was nearly to him when he began to wave frantically, I dropped my coat and ran up. A pig was on the far side of the pond all alone. We decided to sneak up to the pond dam and shoot from behind some trees with yellow leaves (poplar?) As we snuck alan asked if we should wait for chris to show up. I said we shouldn't since there was only 1 pig. We assumed prone positions, I put the crosshairs on the pig took up the slack in the trigger and told alan to shoot when he was ready. the noise from his shot made me pull the trigger just as I had planned and the pig fell down squeeling.
Just then Chris came around the bend in the road and waved to alan and I both very happy with how the morning was working out.
We walked over and alan finished the oinker off with one to the head.
That afternoon we took the pig to snook
After cleaning the pig that afternoon we had the opportunity to eat some delicious barbequed ribs.
Chris had spoken with a representative from the oil company and gained clearance to hunt the pigs that were tearing up the area.
We sat on top of a large catwalk and scanned the pasture for pigs but none showed up. We went back to the old pig hole and checked the snares and trap. We found a coyote in one snare which was dispatched by Chris with his pistol but nothing of any more importance. On the way to the new property we saw 5 deer but could not kill them. We then walked around the new property and determined that there were a ton of pigs there since it had rained that morning and there were fresh tracks everywhere.
I went to hunt in Gause that evening and it poured rain. The creeks were redicuously high and the hunting was non-existant but it had still been fun. That evening Chris alan and I made plans to meet at the oil company property at 6:30 and hunt. At 6:29 I was still on the highway when my phone rang and chris said he was going to be late since he was just leaving home. I pulled into the pig hole annex and parked near alan's truck and walked in. I was nearly to him when he began to wave frantically, I dropped my coat and ran up. A pig was on the far side of the pond all alone. We decided to sneak up to the pond dam and shoot from behind some trees with yellow leaves (poplar?) As we snuck alan asked if we should wait for chris to show up. I said we shouldn't since there was only 1 pig. We assumed prone positions, I put the crosshairs on the pig took up the slack in the trigger and told alan to shoot when he was ready. the noise from his shot made me pull the trigger just as I had planned and the pig fell down squeeling.
Just then Chris came around the bend in the road and waved to alan and I both very happy with how the morning was working out.
We walked over and alan finished the oinker off with one to the head.
That afternoon we took the pig to snook

After cleaning the pig that afternoon we had the opportunity to eat some delicious barbequed ribs.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Hog Hunting in Gause (Milam County, TX)
Yesterday Brian (a plant breeder whom I have classes with) and I decided to head north to chase some critters after we got out of class at 1:30. So, we went to class completely camoflauged up and as soon as class let out we kicked the tires and lit the fires.
We first went to the pig hole that Chris and I have been hunting right off of Highway 21 West of Bryan in Brazos County. We took the tour and inspected all the traps. We found some fresh rootings but saw nothing.
We then headed up further north up Highway 50 to Gause where we met Jeff about 3:00 or so. We made certain that all of our firearms were in adequate working order and gave brian a chance to shoot his .38 for the first time ever. Or so he claims, he shot extremely well for a first time.
We drove directly to the main ranch and parked at the southern most entrance, we walked in past the dilapidated house and swung further to the south and then walked down the pasture, overgrown with goat weed toward the bottom where pigs are most typically seen. When we were about half way down the pasture Jeff spotted a number of pigs moving from right to left along the far fence line.
I overreacted a bit and ran out to the left without laying out a plan with Jeff and Brian. I jumped the creek and ran way out to the left (North)in the next pasture and then advanced to the (East) fence line to cut the pigs off. I had hoped that Jeff and Brian would sneek up toward the pigs and it seemed as if everything was working perfectly. The pigs stopped in their tracks and milled around in nearly the same area that Mike F. shot his pig one night a couple years back. I went through an open gate in the fence and was now on the far side of the pigs, but not in the line of fire. I started to creep up toward the bunch of pigs when I noticed there was one small red one and about five black ones. Slowly the pigs pushed back across the fence toward Jeff and Brian. The .270 and the 30-30 let loose when I was about 80 yards from the pigs so I never even pointed the .44 at them, I am not sure of the shot distance. The pigs shagged it toward the woods to the south and made their escape. We searched the area for signs of a good hit but none were found. It was an exciting hunt and I was glad that brian's first pig hunt involved some action.
Chris Z shot a great deer Saturday, the rack was big enough for him to sit in! We are waiting for the story.
I am going to hunt next weekend if anyone is interested, Brian H. are you still going to be in town for the Texas Tech game?
We first went to the pig hole that Chris and I have been hunting right off of Highway 21 West of Bryan in Brazos County. We took the tour and inspected all the traps. We found some fresh rootings but saw nothing.
We then headed up further north up Highway 50 to Gause where we met Jeff about 3:00 or so. We made certain that all of our firearms were in adequate working order and gave brian a chance to shoot his .38 for the first time ever. Or so he claims, he shot extremely well for a first time.
We drove directly to the main ranch and parked at the southern most entrance, we walked in past the dilapidated house and swung further to the south and then walked down the pasture, overgrown with goat weed toward the bottom where pigs are most typically seen. When we were about half way down the pasture Jeff spotted a number of pigs moving from right to left along the far fence line.
I overreacted a bit and ran out to the left without laying out a plan with Jeff and Brian. I jumped the creek and ran way out to the left (North)in the next pasture and then advanced to the (East) fence line to cut the pigs off. I had hoped that Jeff and Brian would sneek up toward the pigs and it seemed as if everything was working perfectly. The pigs stopped in their tracks and milled around in nearly the same area that Mike F. shot his pig one night a couple years back. I went through an open gate in the fence and was now on the far side of the pigs, but not in the line of fire. I started to creep up toward the bunch of pigs when I noticed there was one small red one and about five black ones. Slowly the pigs pushed back across the fence toward Jeff and Brian. The .270 and the 30-30 let loose when I was about 80 yards from the pigs so I never even pointed the .44 at them, I am not sure of the shot distance. The pigs shagged it toward the woods to the south and made their escape. We searched the area for signs of a good hit but none were found. It was an exciting hunt and I was glad that brian's first pig hunt involved some action.
Chris Z shot a great deer Saturday, the rack was big enough for him to sit in! We are waiting for the story.

I am going to hunt next weekend if anyone is interested, Brian H. are you still going to be in town for the Texas Tech game?
Monday, November 08, 2004
Deer Hunting near Frankin (Robertson County)
I got the opportunity to go deer hunting this past weekend on about 225 acres just outside of Franklin, Texas. A co-worker/friend, Kenn, kindly invited me along.
We camped Saturday night outside of his unfinished cabin to the sounds of howling coyotes and acorns falling on the tin roof of the tractor shed. The land he owns is heavily wooded.
Sunday morning we headed out around 5:45, not exactly sure when the sun was to rise. I hunted up against a large tree that stood in a narrow clearing looking downhill to a creek bottom where a feeder was located. The only thing I saw were the two longhorn cattle Kenn has wandering the property. They appeared at the feeder and slowly meandered their way up the hill toward me. Needless to say that was quite distracting. While this was going on, I did see a hog at the creek bottom, but by the time I got my eye through the sight, it was gone.
Kenn hunted at the crown of a cleared hill looking over a patch of oats and rye and a feeder.
Kenn met up with me around 8 AM. Soon after we saw two big fawns about 20 yards away. Almost completely ignoring us! We called it quits for the day.
While moving a blind later that morning, two large does crossed the path behind us.
In talking to Kenn, a neighboring landowner and other hunters here at work, the consensus is that deer hunting will be slow going until the large crop of acorns disappears and grasses die off from cold weather.
Kenn was hunting with a 7mm Mag, and I borrowed his .22-250 w/ a Leupold 3x9 scope.
So no deer were to be had, but it sure was peaceful being in the woods again.
We camped Saturday night outside of his unfinished cabin to the sounds of howling coyotes and acorns falling on the tin roof of the tractor shed. The land he owns is heavily wooded.
Sunday morning we headed out around 5:45, not exactly sure when the sun was to rise. I hunted up against a large tree that stood in a narrow clearing looking downhill to a creek bottom where a feeder was located. The only thing I saw were the two longhorn cattle Kenn has wandering the property. They appeared at the feeder and slowly meandered their way up the hill toward me. Needless to say that was quite distracting. While this was going on, I did see a hog at the creek bottom, but by the time I got my eye through the sight, it was gone.
Kenn hunted at the crown of a cleared hill looking over a patch of oats and rye and a feeder.
Kenn met up with me around 8 AM. Soon after we saw two big fawns about 20 yards away. Almost completely ignoring us! We called it quits for the day.
While moving a blind later that morning, two large does crossed the path behind us.
In talking to Kenn, a neighboring landowner and other hunters here at work, the consensus is that deer hunting will be slow going until the large crop of acorns disappears and grasses die off from cold weather.
Kenn was hunting with a 7mm Mag, and I borrowed his .22-250 w/ a Leupold 3x9 scope.
So no deer were to be had, but it sure was peaceful being in the woods again.
surfside 11/06-11/07
My in-laws wanted to spend a weekend on the beach so Michelle made arrangements for us to spend Friday & Saturday night in a beach house at Surfside. We arrived around mid day on Friday to find flat surf and clear water. We put out the surfrods right in front of the house for a few hours but we only got one bite and no hook-ups.
On Saturday I bought some fresh mullet and we rented a kayak so I could get the baits out farther. Fishing was really slow and I was starting to get worried that we wouldn’t catch anything. Right before the aggie game we get a hook up and Larry battles the fish. It was putting up a good fight but it seemed different. Finally I caught a glimpse of something I hadn’t seen before. It was a jack crevalle. Everybody, including me was pretty excited about that. Larry said it was the biggest fish he had ever caught.
We didn’t have long to wait before another hook-up. This time I talked michelle into fighting the fish. This one seemed to pull even harder and michelle tried to give me the rod back but I declined. I think she enjoyed it.
Eventually she dragged another jack onto the beach.
Larry and I stayed out and listened to the aggie game. We caught a small sharpnose shark and called it a day around 5:30. I couldn’t believe that we didn’t catch a redfish but I was happy to get the jacks.
There are a couple more pictures:
On Saturday I bought some fresh mullet and we rented a kayak so I could get the baits out farther. Fishing was really slow and I was starting to get worried that we wouldn’t catch anything. Right before the aggie game we get a hook up and Larry battles the fish. It was putting up a good fight but it seemed different. Finally I caught a glimpse of something I hadn’t seen before. It was a jack crevalle. Everybody, including me was pretty excited about that. Larry said it was the biggest fish he had ever caught.
We didn’t have long to wait before another hook-up. This time I talked michelle into fighting the fish. This one seemed to pull even harder and michelle tried to give me the rod back but I declined. I think she enjoyed it.

Eventually she dragged another jack onto the beach.

Larry and I stayed out and listened to the aggie game. We caught a small sharpnose shark and called it a day around 5:30. I couldn’t believe that we didn’t catch a redfish but I was happy to get the jacks.
There are a couple more pictures: