I stepped out of the truck around 5:00 to a cold blast of Northeast wind. It was blowing steady at 15-20 mph. I started to think that camping might have been a mistake. I put on my boots a jacket and knit hat and waded in the cut for a good hour. I was hoping to find some cooperative flounder but no luck. I decided to warm-up
in the truck and wait for my friend to arrive.
Jeff showed up with his two boys right after dark and we set up camp. After sipping some whiskey by a great fire we decided to walk along the cut and look for flounder. Before we could get our stuff together a guy came in by boat from the ICW and started working OUR bank. The bastard gigged three flounder right in front of us. We walked the bank a few more times after he left but didn’t see anything.
The next morning it was cold but the wind was settling down. I drank coffee until the sun was well over the horizon and the air started to warm. I netted some mullet and we got set up in the surf. Fishing was quite slow. We had 4 rods out and only managed two reds, 1 gafftop, and two nice sand trout. The baits went mostly untouched. I was only able to fish until 2:00 because I had to get back to Houston or Michelle would have killed me. I was already in trouble for trying to skip a party so I could hang out with Steve in College Station.
More pictures at Jeff's site:
That was pretty un-neighborly of someone in a boat who could work any bank to whip and gig ahead of you.
when two groups of people are out gigging they usually try to stay out of one another's way.
I would classify that trip as a success. Enough fish and you got to show some kids how to tough it out.
Fishing always gets good when they weather goes bad but how much longer do you think it will be productive on the coast?
The guy in the boat wasn't a complete bastard. He did ask where we were going to gig but he really should have just stayed away. We were the only people out there. He did show us a cool trick which I will post separately.
Jeff's kids are pretty tough. They got their pants all wet on friday night and didn't complain.
I really don't know when fishing shuts down. I have caught fish during the first weekend of november but I don't know that I've fished any later than that. You thinking about heading south?
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