Fishing in Sargent, Texas (10-21 to 10-23)
Friday morning we packed up the sleeping gear and strategized over a cup of coffee. The finger mullet were plentiful so we decided to do some flounder fishing. Ed caught a nice one that measured 18.5”. After we ran out of bait we moved to the surf and set out some cut bait. We didn’t have long to wait before we caught a nice bull red. It didn’t fight at all until it started to run out of water.

The fishing was very slow until late in the day when we got a nice run but the line broke almost immediately. There must have been a nick somewhere above the shock leader because there wasn’t that much pressure on the fish. We didn’t have long to wait before another good run. This one stays hooked and Ed fights it down the beach. I was taking a picture and looked up just in time to see the second rod bend over and start screaming. I ran back to the truck, put the camera down, and start fighting that one. We both stay hooked up for a few minutes before Ed’s shark comes into view. I dragged it up on the beach and we traded rods so I could take a picture and release it. The second shark was bigger and much more stubborn but Ed finally beached it. We fished until dark but didn’t get any more action.

On Saturday morning we decided to fish the surf until about 1:00 and then drive back to Houston. Around noon I caught this 29” red. It was tagged and put in the cooler. The summary for 1.5 days of fishing is 1 flounder, 2 reds, and 2 sharks. I posted more pictures at:
Maybe Ed will add something.