I grabbed a couple of surf rods and went perching on saturday at a beach that is about 30 minutes from my house. It took me a while to catch the first fish but I finally located their hiding spot and I really got after them. They were holding in a sandy area between two reefs that was just short of my maximum casting distance. That made them pretty safe from the other fishermen that I have seen out there. They seem to think that surf perch are a sport fish and must be caught with light tackle.
I kept 8 that were between 11 & 13". It doesn't sound like much but those little bastards have thick fillets and they taste really good. See the before and after pics.

I kept 8 that were between 11 & 13". It doesn't sound like much but those little bastards have thick fillets and they taste really good. See the before and after pics.

So what is the terminal tackle like on your surf rod when you are worm dangling for these perch.
Did you holler to the other fishermen that all they needed was a longer rod like yours?
It's nice to know that somebody is out doing something.
Crappie hook, 600# 12 ft shock leader, and a 10oz weight? Have you considered using meal worms?
Damn, I think I'm just jealous. So whats the body count look like for the 4-20 coast trip?
Terminal tackle was light - DDNR made from 15lb line and #6 baitkeeper hooks (the kind with the small barbs on the shank) and a 3 oz pyramid sinker.
I was was using my 11' rods and jigmaster reels spooled with 30lb mono. I was afraid to cast too hard because I could easily snap the weight off with 15lb leader.
I really enjoyed watching the other fisherman "fighting" a perch on light tackle whereas I would set the hook and reel as fast as I could. The perch would get on plane and skip across the surface right into my bucket. This technique also reduces the chance of getting snagged on all the rocks. I think I will use my high-speed Daiwa reel next time.
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Nice perch worm wiggler
Take some Gulp and go destroy somebody's fly fishing stream for trout.
Damn Kasey, jealous much? Again, whats the body count for the 4/20 trip? I'm in, Dixon, if he doesnt explode or get arrested at Sea World before then will be there, Alan and Woody have both moved into the "maybe" collumn, Hoffman, not so much. Prolly have another guy, Ryan, along too. Kasey, Brian, whats up with yall?
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