September 2 - Miki's First Fish

Miki and I went fishing on Sunday September 2, 2007 in a little rainwater catch pond at the end of my street. Every time we reeled it in she was excited that we caught a bobber, but she was really pumped to reel in he first fish. Miki expressed her love of the fish and we set it loose to catch again later
It might not be the biggest fish on the blog but I was pretty impressed!

Way to go. It's always good to see young'uns learning and enjoying the out-of-doors.
I bet my first fish was a bluegill.
Nice pics.
Miki is almost ready for a beach trip.
Agree, but you may have cursed her into a future of spending the rent money on a coast trip. Just dont get her drinking good beers.
Nice! Just remember, Mom might require you to take her on ALL your fishing outings if Miki decides she likes it.
I joined the PSC-Shooting Club last week. They have a variety of pistol/rifle/bow and shotgun ranges and are located near Ron Carter in Alvin. If you want to go sight in something or just want to kill some paper, let me know
I would like to kill some paper with arrows, I didn't know they had that opportunity at PSC.
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