S&W model 686

I finally bought the revolver I have been wanting for a long time. The Smith&Wesson model 686.
I got the 4" barrel. I ended up getting the 7-shot because nobody is carrying the 6-shot anymore. I called at least three different gun shops and they all told me I would only find a used 6-shot at a gun show.
I went to Top Gun pistol range yesterday during my lunch break. I was shooting really well at 15 yards. I'm very pleased with my purchase.
A little info. about Top Gun. They wouldn't let me shoot .357 rounds because of some city ordinance. You can't move the target back any farther than 15 yards. Range fees were only $13.50 (including 1 target) if you bought ammo. $15 if you don't buy their ammo.
Cool, what did she set you back? I have never been to Top Gun, but heard it is pretty safe there.
I called several stores looking for the 6-shot. Collector's firearms and gander mountain wanted $680. Carter's country had them on sale for $660. I also bought my Ruger Mark II on sale at Carter's.
Top Gun was a nice place. They have a lot of new and used guns and accessories in the store. I would say that it was pretty safe place to shoot. The prices seemed reasonable to me but it has been a long time since I paid to shoot.
It was only 10 minutes from where I work. I might try to go at lunch time again next week.
Nice revolver, I currently own that same one in the 6.5 inch barrel and the 629 classic in 44 mag. both are almost identical and I have never had a single problem out of either. I must warn you though, get all the shooting you can out of the 357 cause once you decide to graduate to the varsity team and buy a 44 you will have a hard time picking up the 686 again.
Just got home from the gun show. I picked up a holster for my 686 and another for my 629...however the one for the .44 dont fit. Seems it is designed for a single action large frame. So my next purchase will be a single action large frame. I was eyeing a .41 in a Ruger single action. Alan got a new toy, but I'll let him tell his own story when he gets to it.
My next purchase might just be a 44 mag. I haven't shot that caliber in a long time.
Chris, are you still reloading .357? I have some brass that I have been holding for you. Remind me to bring it to the beach.
Yes, I'd be a fool not too. Bring it along, the date is slowly getting closer. I have been practicing.
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