Sargent, TX - F*ck Yeah!

Kasey and I went fishing friday night. It was a short and productive trip. So productive that we had two reds in the ice chest before we even started fishing.
We arrived at the cut just after dark. While we were catching bait, a guy walked over and offered two slot reds that he didn't want to clean. Since they were leaving we took their spot at the mouth of the cut. It took us a little while to find the reds but we managed to catch a couple more slots before it really turned on. Around midnight 3 out of the 4 rods were hit. One was a slot red and the other two were over-sized. By the time we re-baited and casted our lines out the current was screaming; trash and vegetation was blowing through the cut. Two rods got pulled over, leaders had to be cut off, and a sand spike was lost - all in a matter of minutes. We unf*cked our gear and reeled in the last rod to find a slot red buried in a ball of weed. We made one more futile attempt at fishing the cut.
Next, we loaded up and went to our usual surf spot. I was content sitting in the truck with cold beers and loud music, but not Kasey. He decided to put a line out. I passed out around 3am but was woken up by kasey at 4am. He had a monster bull red on the tail gate. I took a picture and passed out again.

I fished hard on Sat. morning while kasey caught up on his beauty sleep. I fished three rods with cut mullet and didn't get a hit. Kasey woke up 3 hours later and while I was telling him how bad the fishing sucked, my small bait rod got hit hard. I reeled in a nice size whiting with some deep lacerations. We cut the whiting in half and casted it back into the second gut. Both baits were hit immediately but no hookup. We put the baits back out and waited a little while before hooking into a nice shark. Kasey fought it for nearly 30 minutes. It would swim back and forth but would not leave the guts. This bull fought so hard we had a difficult time reviving it.