Ribeye of the Sky

Went out saturday morning with some of the boys from work, destination...big birds. We got decoys set up pre dawn and hunkered down in our coffins, out of the wind, which had just began whippin (as the weather channel had predicted). A sip or two of whiskey in the pre dawn sure can knock the chill out of the air. When we hit shooting light, we were covered with crane, however all out of range, even for the 3 1/2s loaded with Ts. Soon the artillery began bangin. The wind, 30 ish and gusting well above that, hampered our shooting with many a folk letting loose of the 3 rd FU shot, I even did it once myself, well maybe twice. Once they were dialed in, they fell well. No full limit for the batch of us, 3 each, but a good time had by all. If that cold front had not pushed in at dawn, I believe things would have been better.
Looks like it might have been a bit chilly.
Could you have shot any sandhill cranes without the 3.5 inchers?
I am cleared for takeoff. I am looking at driving up to Amarillo on the afternoon/evening of Dec 9th, and driving home on the 11th. Hopefully there will be some dead birds in between all the driving.
I have asked Woody if I could pick him up in Dallas since Jeff can't make the trip due to other obligations.
I believe I will take my wife's little car to save about 50% on the fuel bill. Afterall I only need a medium sized icechest and a box o' guns
Those are impressive birds. Do you have a 10 guage or some other type of anti-aircraft weapon you can use on them when they are flying high.
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