Chris, Big John and I went out yesterday we checked traps, sighted in a bit with the help of one of the coons we caught a few days ago and then went for a walk.
We walked way out into the brush behind the pond at the annex all the way back to where the property line is. It was wet!
After much splashing around we started to head back when we saw six to eight pigs in a variety of colors (black, brownish-red and grey).
Chris ran a left hook and I a right, John went up the middle and started the shooting with his .243
The shots ended with a large black squealing but running pig.
Everyone chased after them trying to keep them in sight. Then the pigs crossed over a little muddy path and into the brush on the other side. Chris and I were both in hot pursuit and didn't notice the fence that was half laying down just before the path. Both of us hit it, tripped and fell hard onto the far side. Big John said that when he came to the fence he knew someone had just hit it because it was swaying and rattling fiercely.
We searched over the swampy conditions for and hour and a half but found no blood and no bodies.
We unfortunately have shot and gone home without dinner for the first time since October.