Good to See Jeff with His Toes in the Sand
Saturday Oct 24th, Matagorda Beach
Jeff called me from Washington and said he wanted to go Fishing in Matagorda. I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to fish with him, Santos and Matt. I loaded up the automobile and grabbed Evan out of bed about 5:30am and headed for the sand.
Photographic evidence that I do still know how to find the gulf of mexico.

The first fish pulled onto the sand was this extra slimy Gafftop (one of two caught), Evan thought he looked hungry so before sending him back into the surf he shared some of his potato chips.

The water was a bit 'brisk' so we used the big rods, wading out to the first bar rather than wading out to the second bar.

Evan hooked up this double, landing one of the four sand trout we caught along with the first Atlantic Bluefish I have ever laid my hands on.

Evan and I left shortly after eating our sausages, cheese and tortillas but the rest of the guys hung out over night and hooked a couple of undersized redfish
Jeff called me from Washington and said he wanted to go Fishing in Matagorda. I couldn't possibly pass up the opportunity to fish with him, Santos and Matt. I loaded up the automobile and grabbed Evan out of bed about 5:30am and headed for the sand.
Photographic evidence that I do still know how to find the gulf of mexico.

The first fish pulled onto the sand was this extra slimy Gafftop (one of two caught), Evan thought he looked hungry so before sending him back into the surf he shared some of his potato chips.

The water was a bit 'brisk' so we used the big rods, wading out to the first bar rather than wading out to the second bar.

Evan hooked up this double, landing one of the four sand trout we caught along with the first Atlantic Bluefish I have ever laid my hands on.

Evan and I left shortly after eating our sausages, cheese and tortillas but the rest of the guys hung out over night and hooked a couple of undersized redfish
Way to go Steve!!! I bet the fresh air was nice. However, since you caught an Atlantic Bluefish, are you sure it was the Texas coast? I think they catch those things off the beach in the Carolinas. The only bluefish I have seen around texas was when Chris and i took my boat out about 50 miles. So, I have to say either...
1. You don't still know how to get to the Gulf and ended up in NC.
2. You can cast a hell of a long ways from the first bar.
Regardless, good on you for getting out and taking the young 'un along.
Pomatomus saltatrix
Other Names : Bluefish
Range & Habitat : Bluefish are found Gulfwide. They are a schooling species that roams beaches and shallow offshore waters. They often penetrate high-salinity bays.
Identification & Biology : Bluefish are green to greenish-blue on their backs, shading to silver-white on their sides and belly. The body is strongly compressed laterally, and their jaws are equipped with small, razor sharp, shark-like teeth. Schools of bluefish ferociously attack fish both smaller and larger than themselves. Unlike many fish which must swallow their prey whole, bluefish can bite chunks out of larger fish. Bluefish prefer warm temperate water, avoiding both the tropics and cold, winter-chilled waters. Schools of bluefish will travel in search of ideal water temperatures.
Size : Bluefish in the Gulf of Mexico only infrequently are larger than 5 pounds and never grow as large as they do on the Atlantic Coast, where the world record of 31 pounds, 12 ounces was caught. Interestingly, research indicates that in the Gulf of Mexico, bluefish grow more rapidly than Atlantic Coast bluefish through age 4, then stop growing, unlike their Atlantic Coast brethren, which continue to grow through age 14.
Food Value : Barely edible if grilled or broiled. The flesh is gray after cooking and strong-tasting
plus the picture is a dead ringer for the blue green thing my boy caught. Further confirmation is that it did indeed have a strong flavor when cooked
Yep thats a bluefish! i have caught them off of SLP and outta SurfSide before but not very often, maybe 4 or 5 total. Caught a bunch up in NC & SC.
So why didnt anyone else get the call to go fishin???
PS congrads to the boy on adding some new ones to the 'life list'. Looks like he has one you dont. You better catch up or he will pull ahead of you!
Who was that scholarly looking gentleman in the middle? Come on Jeff, post up!
Nice catch on the bluefish. I used to catch small ones in the eastern gulf (AL&FL) but never off the TX coast.
Good to see pics of your kids with fish.
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