Well, my parents had a good run of luck and decided they wanted to take the whole family to Belize for a week. Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister-in-law, Niece, Nephew1, Nephew2, Bekki, and I all piled in a plane and headed south. When we go there, we set up camp here:

My goal while there this time was to fish, snorkel, and eat as much lobster as I could. I had grand visions of tarpon fishing the flats, but that was not to be due to weather stirring up the sediment. So we settled on half-day reef fishing.
The first guide was not all that glorious. He picked us up at 8:00 am and quickly informed us that we needed to go catch bait because he didn’t bring any. At about 10:30 am with about 50 baits in the live well, we decided to start fishing. I had already downed about 3 beers and was fighting the urge to strangle the guy. About 5 minutes later we had a bait out and the fishing commenced. Granted, once we started, we caught a good number of little barracuda and snapper.

It was great fun for about 45 minutes then the “guide” decided it was time to go try for a big fish. I won’t get started on this. Suffice it to say that I could have done just as good drinking a rum and not fishing. So we headed back to the dock. That’s right 45 minutes of hardcore steady pulling one fish after another. That was the extent of our “6 hour” trip.
To blow off some steam, Bekki and I decided we should go snorkeling, so we booked a trip and headed out to see the sharks and rays. Our guide for this trip was more than good. There were 4 other boats in the area that we went. NONE of them had ANY critters around them. This was the view from our boat:

After gearing up Bekki and I dove in. I knew we would get to swim with the sharks, but I didn’t know the guide would let me hold one – MUCH LESS TWO!

Well that was all the excitement for that day. The next morning, I tried the pier again. For some reason the puffers were running that day. I caught 6 in a little under 15 minutes, but nothing to stink the pot.

We saw the island and all sorts of other stuff, but since this is a sportsmen’s (and sportswomen’s) site, I’ll just stick to the sporty stuff.
Our next half-day fishing charter went much better than the first to say the least. The guide showed up at 7am with bait and in 20 minutes we were fishing. We caught probably 16 million grunts which were thrown back as trash fish. The keepers consisted of queen triggerfish, mutton snapper, yellow tails, and porgies. Then Bekki, whose first and only redfish was bigger than any of mine to date, hauled off and caught a grouper. This is something that I have been seeking for a long time now. Shortly after releasing that one, she rubbed it in a bit more by catching a second grouper.

It also was released, but that didn’t help things any especially since she reminds me about both the redfish and the grouper at least once a day now.
Finally, I got a break and added a fish to my life list. And, dare I say, I am the only one among the core group here who has successfully caught a nurse shark? It was very strange – 15 lb test line, no leader, coral reef, and boated a ~50 pound shark. My mind can’t comprehend the unlikelihood.

It was a great trip. All the guides are very conscientious of the fisheries sustainability, and the importance of keeping everything clean and “untouched” by people. If ever you get a chance to go, do it.

My goal while there this time was to fish, snorkel, and eat as much lobster as I could. I had grand visions of tarpon fishing the flats, but that was not to be due to weather stirring up the sediment. So we settled on half-day reef fishing.
The first guide was not all that glorious. He picked us up at 8:00 am and quickly informed us that we needed to go catch bait because he didn’t bring any. At about 10:30 am with about 50 baits in the live well, we decided to start fishing. I had already downed about 3 beers and was fighting the urge to strangle the guy. About 5 minutes later we had a bait out and the fishing commenced. Granted, once we started, we caught a good number of little barracuda and snapper.
It was great fun for about 45 minutes then the “guide” decided it was time to go try for a big fish. I won’t get started on this. Suffice it to say that I could have done just as good drinking a rum and not fishing. So we headed back to the dock. That’s right 45 minutes of hardcore steady pulling one fish after another. That was the extent of our “6 hour” trip.
To blow off some steam, Bekki and I decided we should go snorkeling, so we booked a trip and headed out to see the sharks and rays. Our guide for this trip was more than good. There were 4 other boats in the area that we went. NONE of them had ANY critters around them. This was the view from our boat:

After gearing up Bekki and I dove in. I knew we would get to swim with the sharks, but I didn’t know the guide would let me hold one – MUCH LESS TWO!

Well that was all the excitement for that day. The next morning, I tried the pier again. For some reason the puffers were running that day. I caught 6 in a little under 15 minutes, but nothing to stink the pot.
We saw the island and all sorts of other stuff, but since this is a sportsmen’s (and sportswomen’s) site, I’ll just stick to the sporty stuff.
Our next half-day fishing charter went much better than the first to say the least. The guide showed up at 7am with bait and in 20 minutes we were fishing. We caught probably 16 million grunts which were thrown back as trash fish. The keepers consisted of queen triggerfish, mutton snapper, yellow tails, and porgies. Then Bekki, whose first and only redfish was bigger than any of mine to date, hauled off and caught a grouper. This is something that I have been seeking for a long time now. Shortly after releasing that one, she rubbed it in a bit more by catching a second grouper.

It also was released, but that didn’t help things any especially since she reminds me about both the redfish and the grouper at least once a day now.
Finally, I got a break and added a fish to my life list. And, dare I say, I am the only one among the core group here who has successfully caught a nurse shark? It was very strange – 15 lb test line, no leader, coral reef, and boated a ~50 pound shark. My mind can’t comprehend the unlikelihood.

It was a great trip. All the guides are very conscientious of the fisheries sustainability, and the importance of keeping everything clean and “untouched” by people. If ever you get a chance to go, do it.
Don't forget to see my blue water trip below.
Is anyone getting jealous yet?
Yea I'm jealous, all this fishing and now a night vision scope, guess it is true what they say about the sun and a dog's ass. Way to go you sunburnt dog's ass. When are you gonna invite me back over to help eat your fish? Your freezer is looking WAY better than mine. I'll bring the mojitos again and we can put our pinkeys out and get sideways.
I'm not too sure how to react to the dog's ass comment.
The night vision is for all of us to have fun with.
As for the freezer full of goodies, we may just have to have a big shin-dig round about the end of August. We might even go past sideways all the way to upside down. Until then, I am busy every weekend with Bekki. I have to keep in mind that she likes for me to go do all these things (not to mention the night vision was her idea). Therefore, I don't have a problem at all with doing what she wants periodically.
Seems to me that you could get a good case of "shark rash" on your nipples from hugging those sharks like that.
Awesome Pic though.
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