For reference
I couldn't put it in the comments for Brian, but here's a picture of me shortly after my somewhat successful catch and release of the sealion. I wish I had pictures of the actual situation, but alas, I do not. You just have to take my word for it. This is a 25 pound ling cod, by the way.

Good Lord that child is drunk!
Nice ling cod. That seems to be a prized catch on this coast. Was it an accidental release? Possibly alcohol related as noted above?
Is sea lion a common name? Never heard them called that before.
Well, what happened was I was lowering my bait down and the line just went slack. I started reeling it in and all of a sudden a sea lion poked it's head out of the water. we didn't think anything of it until we saw that my line went straight to his mouth. after that it was fairly un eventful until we got him alongside the boat.
Then it got western.
I wasn't about to cut the line although my grandpa and his friend that owned the boat told me to. I just sat there while this monster was flailing about. Then all of a sudden he dove just a little and came shooting right up onto the transom. After that I thought it might be a good idea to cut the line so it did. For the next 2 or 3 minutes he sat on the transom and me, my grandpa, and the other guy sat on the bow. The sea ion bellowed a couple of times, dropped a poop right on the transom and went right back in the water. I considered it "somewhat" successful.
Now for a sea lion lesson:
Sea lion is a common name that does not correspond to a single taxonomic unit. For a more comprehensive discussion of all eared seals, including the fur seals, see Otariid. Sea lions are any of seven species in six genera of modern pinnipeds including one extinct one (the Japanese sea lion). Sea lions are characterized by the presence of external ear pinnae or flaps, long front flippers, and the ability to walk on four flippers on land. Their range extends from the subarctic to tropical waters of the global ocean in both the northern and southern hemispheres with the notable exception of the Atlantic Ocean. They are generally found in shallow waters of coastal areas of both with abundant food resources
I think the bigger question is who gave that child the alcohol?
Nice acid washed jacket! Dont you just love the old pictures? Man it is amazing anyone would ever marry any one of us
Who's this anonymous feller that keeps calling me drunk?
ok, I'm a retard. I thought from your caption that you were calling the ling cod a sea lion. Disregard my sea lion question.
I wondered if those bastards were stupid enough to eat bait. I thought they were hanging around so they could steal any fish that I caught. They are constantly surfacing near the yak and checking me out.
The acid wash jacket and popped collar is PFC. I wish I had some sweet fish pictures to go along with my 80's attire. Nice!
PFC? I dont think I'm aware of that one.
pretty frickin cool retard
Man, this anon guy sure is bustin balls around here.
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