Blastin' and Castin' in the Texas Outdoors

We havea lot of good times, the road was a drug when we started way back, our wheels rolled on steady, now its forgetting the race to find an open space and leaving that city far behind We’ll be up in the morning before the sun, since anything beats working on the job and everyone knows the early worm gets the fish. The world is your oyster, let the high times carry the low, walk where the sun is shining, lay your burdens down and think to yourself that it sure feels good feeling good again.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Last tour of Gause?

It seems likely that Friday night Is the last time I will ever get to attempt to remove fine grain fed pork from the Spring Valley Ranch in Gause.

As part of Jeff's blast off spectacular Brian, Jeff and I took a walk around the main ranch around dusk. Our timing was somewhat poor, by the time we got there spotklights would be required.

As we walked into the pasture Jeff and brian heard squeaks, Looking intently I saw a dark shape moving since Gause is a color coded ranch I knew it was on...

The pig was closer than expected and brian turned on the light. Here is where something funny happened:

There was only one pig that I saw...Certainly more were there but the one I was looking at without lights seemed to disappear when the light came on. I looked throught the scope and couldn't see anything. I double checked, yep, lowest power... I lowered the .270 and looked with my bare eyes, I could see where it was casting a shadow but couldn't make out the actual animal.

I put the gun back up and just as I did the animal bolted and Jeff shot hurriedly. He was having the same visual problems I was.

Anyway the pig got away alive...

Brian and I took walk down to the main pighole of the north ranch around mid-night bbut it was quite....
Brian and Jeff took a look at dawn but quiet again...

Not the most auspicious way to go out but it has been fun over the last couple years.

If I am ever cursed with cattle on my property Gause has taught me that there will be no brown or black cows allowed...


Blogger brian said...

That was certainly a phantom hog.

As soon as I illuminated him he froze. Without any movement it was just a fuzzy brown shape. There were no contrasting features to distinguish it from the pasture. Steve and Jeff advanced on the apparition but couldn't find a target. They kept asking me where it was until I started to doubt what I was seeing. Jeff finally raised his rifle but he didn't shoot. Steve worked a little closer before the hog bolted and Jeff fired a second too late. I'm guessing they got within 30 yards of the pig.

After a few minutes the pig taunted us from the woods on the far side of the field.

5:39 PM  

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