Fishing Has Been Slow, exept for the other guys fishing with me
The dominican fishing trip started like we were gonna slay some beastly dorado. We set sail early saturday morning with 30 tuna fish samiches, 7 eager fishermens, assloads of Presidente beer, one haitian boat monkey, plenty of bait and gear, and one bad boy 32' center console boston whaler w/ dual 275 hp mariner 4 strokes. We went out to about twenty miles rode around for eight hours following dots on the GPS, caught one durado, and 5 tuna of various species, all of which totaled a mighty catch of about 7lbs of fish. None of which I brought in(you know giving every one else a chance to pull something in and waiting for that really good hookup).
To get to a little better story, the ghetto fishing at grapevine this last saturday night resulted in some spectacular bounty. We (some guys I worked with in the past) arrived at the mouth of a slew about an hour before dark, and rapidly set out some hooks loaded with chicken livers and stinkbait. Appropriate for the catfish we were hoping to get into. After getting settled in a couple of guys not including me decided that this would be a good time to try some artificial bait to entice the bass that might be around during the waning minutes of daylight left.
I (being fairly knowledgable about the bassery) decided that this would be a pretty good waste of time being as there was absolutely no cover nor structure present at our littl ghetto honey hole. Well, Jason had other plans, and the following is the result.

approximately 8 lbs of bass, probably the heaviest bass to be pulled out of this lake in a couple of years. Go figure.
Being as the rest of the fishing was fairly slow and the catfish that were caught were extremely un-impressive ill end this story with one final thought..........
I didnt get shut out!
Nice freekin BASS. What was the outcome of that dude? Seems difficult to spend the dollars to mount one under 10# and hard to eat one over 6#, although they are tasty. I assume your tournement trail B.A.S.S. attitude took over and she went back to the water? Well, atleast you out fished me and Steve two trips back and out fished Steve last trip. I guess you and me will call it a tie on the last trip, although one of those gaffers was about an inch bigger, I have no idea whose it was.
yeah Jason wanted to put this better than average girl on the wall and i talked some sense into him. werent no use cuttin up one fish for supper, and werent no sense in killin an 8lbder to hang on the wall when for the same $ you can get an exact fiberglass made. Jason seemed a little down but reluctantly kissed her byebye and set her free for me to catch in another 4lbs
I never caught a bass that big, let alone 4 lbs bigger. Nonetheless, if you don't want to eat 'em put them back in the water
nice green trout!
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