Blastin' and Castin' in the Texas Outdoors

We havea lot of good times, the road was a drug when we started way back, our wheels rolled on steady, now its forgetting the race to find an open space and leaving that city far behind We’ll be up in the morning before the sun, since anything beats working on the job and everyone knows the early worm gets the fish. The world is your oyster, let the high times carry the low, walk where the sun is shining, lay your burdens down and think to yourself that it sure feels good feeling good again.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Swine clearly abducted by Aliens

It had rained at least an inch during the day friday, so I went out looking for some pork around dusk. I was walking through the forest on what is normally a well used game trail but it had been wiped smooth by the rain.

I walked slowly listening when I noticed in front of me on the trail a series of large hoof prints, pointed in front, splayed wide apart, with the dew claws pushed into the damp earth. This was a footprint of some serious bacon. I followed the tracks nearly to the edge of the woods but just before the trail broke into a pasture a tree was laid across the path. The tracks veered off the damp muddy path into short grass. There was nowhere else my quarry could have gone other than back at me, out into the pasture or down a steep embankment and into a deep ditch. I checked the ditch and found no footprints so I snuck into the pasture. I couldn't find the big pig but I did find his hoof prints in the middle where it crossed a large low spot. It was here that I found another set of pig tracks coming into the same location from the opposite direction, these weren't as big but there was clearly a large pig and several small ones.

I searched round and round the low washout but the tracks came in from both directions and never went out. Leading me to the obvious conclusion that a flying saucer must have swooped down and abducted my prospects guest of honor at a skinning party.

P.S. Saw about a dozen deer and deer tracks everywhere but the above was the only sign of pork.


Blogger ~z said...

Skunked twice? That aint the way it is supposed to work, is it? I believe we may have a problem if you cant find them, my freezer is oh so dangerously low on porkies, strangely, there is still a fair amount of deer in there. Usually I’m pretty low on deer by the end of June. And, my deer season only consisted of 3 doe, strange there should still be any venison at all. If you are serious about them UFOs, I’d advise getting some pig decoys and try to lure those space bastards in and whack one or two. Bound to be some dollars in it, and you’d be a complete freekin’ hero with the Roswell crowd. Besides that regardless how big a deer Woody shoots this year, it is gonna be danged hard to even get close to rubbing the edge of a jealousy factor when you have and ET in a “ half sneak” mount above your fireplace. Additionally, I want to taste one.

1:10 PM  
Blogger brian said...

You are wrong about one thing Chris. The Roswell crowd are alien lovers. They will certainly issue death threats to anyone who successfully bags ET. Otherwise it would be worth lots of money and make a cool mount. You would also be in the record books and think of all the endorsements. I would advise against eating one because they are high in mercury.

5:52 PM  
Blogger steven-hoffman said...

I wasn't aware of the mercury situation, I was going to take care with the caustic acid-blood.

Are they high in Mercury like some kingfish and sharks are so pregnant women shouldn't eat them or are they REALLY high in Hg?

6:05 PM  

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