My new pistol

I have been wanting a Ruger Mark II for a long time. They are advertised in the paper every week for about $400 but last week Carter Country was selling them for $350 so I jumped on it. Chris, if you haven't been, the store off I-10 is really cool and it is next to Fishing Tackle unlimited. I had Michelle with me so I couldn't browse like I wanted to.
Link to Ruger site
You must be such a proud poppa.
I can personally attest that those things are just wonderful for emptying large steel cages of pork.
Did you get one that looks just like that with the stainless finish.
The one pictured is the exact model I bought. The grips on this one are nicer than the typical black checkered plastic. It is made of wood laminate and has a large thumbrest. It helps because the gun is so barrell heavy.
I am very proud of it.
Wish You would have had this for that football sized piglet I saw monday. I just didn't see any point in shooting it with the .44
That would have made for some tender meat...
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