Well, I finally found a way to piss the wife off through firearms. Found myself wandering through Gander Mt. after work yesterday, looking to buy a 8# jug of H380 as I have been running low. No 8s not even a 1#er, bummed out I walked over to the gun counter and one of the old men called me over. “Chris, you still looking for that birds head single six in 32 H&R mag?” It just so happens that the wife had been looking to get this gun for me for an engagement gun, and again for Christmas, both times she came up empty. Seeing my opportunity, I spoke, “Well hell yea, I’m still looking for it, you know something I don’t, Don?” He walked around the counter and disappeared in the “back room”, a place I long to be locked into. After a short eternity, he emerged carrying a nondescript grey Ruger pistol box. Inside: my Sword of Damocles. Time is short, so I’ll get to the point. It seems as though if a woman has designs on doing something but hasn’t done it, she may or may not get mad if you decide to help her out with the task. At some point there is a definite riff, the fringe is a sticky place to reside, however, I have no idea where this periphery begins or ends. It seems if there are dishes in the sink that she says she intends to get around to washing and I step and do the deed, I’m infallible: a Saint. But, go buy a pistol… and the standards change. “Well congratulations, you just ruined our anniversary!” “Huh, what, how?” Seems she was intending to get me that very pistol for our 1 yr. anniversary. Ever the optimist, I retorted “There are other guns I need, I don’t have a .41 yet!” Women are strange, she didn’t get it, claims it is the principle of the whole thing. Can someone explain women to me?
Kinda looks like a girly gun to me.
tell me more about the cartridge...how does 32H&R Mag stack up to things I know. H&R stand for harrington and richardson?
No man, especially none that may be found here talking about hunting and fishing with the type of proficiency that we have has any chance of 'understanding' women. Maybe if you ever run into a guy who knows what shoes to where with such and such outfit, or how your wife should do her hair you could ask him.
I'm surprised it took you this long to piss the wife off with a firearm purchase. I'm sure she will find a way to get even.
Here is an example. I just spent $200 on a new curado (this is a sweet reel by the way) so Michelle went out and spent $250 on a new comforter.
I don't really think Michelle and you are even Brian. You get to sleep with that comforter as much as she so my math shows that you spent $325 and she spent $125. I bet you could make things all better by getting her a pistol or something.
Is there a piece of paper taped to the side of the butt of your rifle?
Anon, thats a drop chart. And Steve, I forgot my password, any help?
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