Sargent July 28-29
We went fishing and we got ahold of one that put up one heck of a fight
One evening of hard fishing against heinous amounts of seaweed lead to the capture of one small puppy black drum. Crabs were present in large numbers as attested to by the chewed up baits on our seaweed laden lines. The seaweed in conjunction with a strong long shore current also made it impossible to take advantage of the surf board that Gino had brought. Despite the tribulations of fishing on this trip the camp's atmosphere remained jovial and we had a most enjoyable time watching a thunderstorm pass by us to the North as the Four of us battled the above whopper.
Since hardheads do not count. Brian was the champion fisherman with one Black drum
P.S. I don't feel completely 100% today

One evening of hard fishing against heinous amounts of seaweed lead to the capture of one small puppy black drum. Crabs were present in large numbers as attested to by the chewed up baits on our seaweed laden lines. The seaweed in conjunction with a strong long shore current also made it impossible to take advantage of the surf board that Gino had brought. Despite the tribulations of fishing on this trip the camp's atmosphere remained jovial and we had a most enjoyable time watching a thunderstorm pass by us to the North as the Four of us battled the above whopper.
Since hardheads do not count. Brian was the champion fisherman with one Black drum
P.S. I don't feel completely 100% today
This is worth mentioning:
In the tradition of Columbus (really Cortez)shortly after sundown in Chris "rallied the troops by burning the boats" as he tossed the Cap to the RYE in the fire
The seaweed and crab situation was disappointing. I thought that the seaweed had run its course but this was probably the last of it. On the drive to the cut I noticed that some sections of the beach had a foot of seaweed and others had none. If you guys had put the bottle down we could have moved back down the beach and not caught anything.
I would also like to remind the readers that under no circumstances should you leave your sandspikes in or near the water during a rising tide. This can be especially costly if your sandspike is holding a fishing rod. I lost my customized PVC rod holder, penn 209, and rod while I slept. I thought I had pulled it back but apparently I did not. I have lost sandspikes and buckets before but this is the first time I lost a rod. I would have been really pissed if I liked that rig.
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