Misc. CA pics
Here are some miscellaneous pics from the pacific ocean.
Rockfish season is closed however dungeness crabs are now in season. I will be crabbing and surf fishing until I can fish out of my kayak again in May. I love the ocean but I hate this state.

There are 3 different crabs in the last pic (stone crab, red crab & dungeness).
Rockfish season is closed however dungeness crabs are now in season. I will be crabbing and surf fishing until I can fish out of my kayak again in May. I love the ocean but I hate this state.

There are 3 different crabs in the last pic (stone crab, red crab & dungeness).
Brian, you need to get one of those signs for me. What is that gooie thing between your legs? Please dont tell me you are actuallt drinking those Clametto things, I have tried them before and Yuck! Did you know they have Budweiser in them? I like the idea, but gag, It is hard to get past that Budweiser taste!
Any idea when you may get back to the "Dirty Third" where fish are treated like fish and dont have "seasons" (whose freakin idea was that?)
Oh, and nice crabs
is that a clamato can you found on the beach or have you gone complete turd burglar on us?
I like how the hippies litter the coast with visual pollution.
At first I was looking for the Marine Mammal who was on watch. It makes sense that you shouldn't touch them if they are on duty. However, since I didn't see any mammals actually doing their job I read the second sign and it became clear that a) there is only one of these mammals based on the grammar used and b) these people don't want the reader to know which kind of animal they are watching (otters, seals, sea lions, etc.)
Nice signs hippies.
Gotta agree on the signs, they aint quite figured out sign technology out there yet, Ed hammered the grammar point, I’ll get the remainder. First the most obvious, there is absolutely no metal involved in the process, that angers me. And #2 signs are supposed to graphically “speak” to the lowest common denominator of society through the imagery utilized in the placard. Their message is unclear. Say I only spoke Ewondo (a Cameroonian local dialect) and I saw that sign, I would assume it was advising “Do not scold the sea lions”. So yea, nice sign Hippies.
Chelada is my new favorite beer before 9am. The budweiser part doesn't bother me too much. Woody, I learned to enjoy bloody mary mix and beer from my N. Texas connections. They were from your neck of the woods.
The slimy starfish is an example of the weird crap that comes up in the crab traps.
I need to hit the dirty third this summer. When you guys start planning a trip I'll check into flights.
If you guys like signs then you will LOVE CA. Signs everywhere! There is a fat slob of an elephant seal that sleeps on the beach. I'll go out there early one morning (~10am) before the hippies wake up and take a picture of me scolding him. I will try to reenact the sign for Chris.
That would be awesome! Really give him the what for. I wanna see rage in your eyes, scold the hell outta him.
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