Camera Man Wanted

Needed: Experienced camera opperator
Must supply own equipment (salt tollerant, blood and water resistant a must)
Must not be squeemish at the sight of ones own blood and viscerous material
All applicants must be fleet of foot and know when to keep their mouth shut
Must not be opposed to being "the fall guy" in any and all legal matters
Must be willing to "taking one for the greater good of the team"*
Having a lawyer of judge in the family or in the pocket a strong plus
Bail and moving expenses not paid
Salary: Negotiable – negligible
Company Motto:
We believe the law to be interpreted leniently
Therefore we sometimes lean to one side of it and sometimes lean to the other.
* not limited to going home with the ugly girl or claiming sole responsibility for acts deemed socially unacceptable or treasonous
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Work out ferments the humors, casts them into their meet channels, throws off redundancies, and helps cosmos in those secret distributions, without which the fuselage cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the man role of with cheerfulness.
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