I went to the cut on Sunday afternoon. It looks pretty different after the storm. There is exposed clay everywhere and there are some new channels around the cut. The wind was blowing hard out of the east and then changed to the southeast as soon as I started fishing. I really wanted to catch some trout/reds/flounder so I left the surf rods in the truck and threw plastics and finger mullet in the cut. I didn’t get a bite until 30 minutes before dark and then I nailed 3 keeper reds on Carolina-rigged finger mullet. The tide had really started coming in and I suspect that the whole cut may have been full of reds but I quit fishing since I had caught my meager 3-fish limit.
After building a fire and cooking dinner I grabbed my lantern and gig and headed back across the cut. The water on the far side was a lot clearer. Despite the windy conditions visibility was good and I covered a lot of the bank. I gigged two nice ones in the first hour but that was it. Because of the very high tides I decided to move my truck closer to the beach but the tide had come in so much that I was surrounded by water. I found a high spot and tried to enjoy my private little island but it was freaking me out.
I was going to hit the surf on Monday but as soon as I finished my coffee the rain started and it didn’t look like it was going to stop.
I never had any doubts you would do well this weekend Brian, this time of year you seem to be as good as money.
Thinking about bull sharks in the surf? If some of those little ones from earlier this year grew up there should be plenty to catch.
I gigged the only 2 flounder that I saw. I didn't get very much of the first one though and he nearly pulled loose. I noticed a few empty flounder beds so maybe I should have started gigging sooner. There was a group of people working the other bank and they told me they had about 4 each. I don't like gigging other people's footprints so I stayed away from where they had been.
I thought about working on a second days limit of reds but decided not to.
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